Friday, March 23, 2007


I am sorry to say that I won't be home for the next week, seeing as I am going to Hawaii tomarrow morning. I may or may not be able to get online when I am there so, if I am not I will have to hear from all my wonderful friends on blogger next week! I hope that all of you who have spring break now I hope that you have a good one!
See ya!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Recently Discovered Genious

A long long long time ago, or it seems long ago now, I wrote a post complaining about not making it into the literary magezine at my school. I was thinking of not submitting this year, but due to an overwhelming ammout of people on and off my blog page telling me to submit any way, I did.
For all you who had faith in me and kept me from just giving up and not submitting, I thank you! I made it into the Literary arts magezine this year!!
What made it in was a poem, my only bilingual poem, called "Tu es a moi" or in english "You are the one for me". To everyone who isn't going to purchase the magezine, here is my poem. Enjoy!

Tu es à Moi

Je marche,
il pleut, le ciel est bleu foncé.
J’ai froid,
mais je m’en fiche, parceque je sais que tu va être là.
Là tu es,
tu m’attends, avec une couverture.
Je souris et tu souris aussi.
La couverture en coton sent en soie,
parceque tu la tiens.
Nous marchons ensemble,
le long de la rue, au Claire de lune.
Il est minuit,
mais nous nous en fichons,
parceque nous sommes ensembles.

In English:

You are the One for Me

I walk,
it is raining, the sky is a dark blue.
I’m cold,
but I don’t care, because I know you’ll be there.
There you are,
you wait for me with a blanket.
I smile, and you smile too.
The blanket is cotton, but it feels like silk,
because you are the one holding it.
We walk together,
along the street, in the moonlight.
It is midnight,
but we don’t care,
because we are together.

And to my French friend Sixtine, this post is dedicated to you. Tell me what you think of my French poem. Thanks!

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Manifesto of Weakness

I, in my high school career, am lucky enough to be taking a Creative Writing course! One assignment or prompt that the teacher gave us started with this up on the board:

Manifesto on weakness:
"All pleasure lies in weakness, not power. Our survival as a species depends on weakness of a winsome kind. By our best weakness, we keep our allegiance to this strange dance of longing we call human life. Without this weakness, we are lost." --Kim R. Stafford--
Manifesto: a public declaration of intentions and principles.

Then the teacher told us to write our own declaration of weakness, in the form of a poem. Poetry is one of my strengths, so I went right to work on it. I though it turned out fairly well! Tell me what you think!

A Manifesto of Weakness
I have a weakness for music,
music that picks up my soul and helps it fly.
The music of raindrops pattering on glass panes,
green leaves, and the black tar road.
The music of a pencil softly sliding over paper.
The "fizz-fizz" that explodes from food hitting the hot frying pan.
The music made by the clatter of silverware on china plates,
in perfect harmony with melodic voices
coming from around an oval table.
The music that is the sweet rustle of leaves blown by the wind,
that mimics the masterful symphony of the sea.
The giant's banging their drums
when the conductor gives them their bright electric cue.
The melody of birds after the drums cease.
I have a weakness for music,
the music that invades my soul,
and dances with my heart.

So, what did you think? How bad is it really? Oh, come on, be truthful!
See you, or actually, hear from you later!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Flying Solo, Well Playing

In concert band, I have finally gotten a solo in the song Unravelling which is an amazingly fun song. I have always been way too freaked out to even go out for solos before. This time, I had been "forced" to play the solo by myself (instead of in a duet like before) and the assistant conductor, that had been conducting us then, said that I had really good tone, which was huge news for me. After that, the next day I had to do the same thing, but that time I wasn't quite so freaked out! Then I got really good, so the other person that I would do the duet with, told me that I should be the one doing the solo! So I said that I would. I am so so so excited!
Then at a band festival, (where bands play, and then each band gets judged by three people) and one of the judges said that not only does our band have potential to be amazing, but also that there were some very talented individuals in the band. That means the soloists (I am not the only one). Then our conductor (not the assistant) who doesn't really give out compiments very often, said "congradulations" and that I did a good job and if I just got some vibrato in the solo, that it would go from good to amazing.
So, anyone who goes to, teaches at, or knows which, school I go to, then come to the band concert tomarrow night and hear me play my solo! Hope that everyone is doing well, and having a wonderful week!!
Till next time,

Sunday, March 11, 2007


It hasn't been that long since I last posted, but seeing that post just makes me think that my whole life revolves around what isn't so happy in life (which isn't true). I have just discovered another true friend that I have made just this year, and have found that I have alot in common with her. I also feel that I have been doing alot more with my time than I am used to. I guess I have done many things lately that I havent ever done before. I bought my first prom dress, helped my mom buy her(our) first orchid, and this is the first time that I posted this soon after my last post. Lots of firsts! To all my friends out there who are also bloggers, I say hello!!
Have a wonderful March!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Life is Still Amazing!

I last posted about my dog's condition, about thinking that he may have had cancer, and stuff like that. Well, as I said, doesn't have cancer. What he does have, is a bad kidney. So, now we have to give him all these pills that we have to stuff down his throat(which is disgusting!) and also give him fluids through IVs. On top of all that, this weekend, well on Friday, my grandfather died. I am having a hard time just sort of keeping my head above the water sometimes, but I know that I'll make it through. Life, even now when it seems so down and blue, is amazing. Maybe life is more amazing when things don't look so good. I don't know!! To all my friends out there who help get me through the day, I thank you. To all the people out there who may or may not ever read this, but know what it is I am going through from experience, I send my warmth and condolences, and to all who keep trekking after a sad time in your life, all I can say is: good for you, I know that is difficult.