Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's a Crazy World Out There

Have you ever noticed that one day you just don't know? I certainly have. It almost seems like, one day I just got out of bed and I just didn't know anymore. I find myself using the phrase "I don't know" more and more. I don't know why I am, or why just now. I just don't know!!

How many times has life just decided to throw me a curve ball, when all signs pointed to yet another fast ball? Why? Why is it always when you least expect it? Everyone, well I think everyone, has at least heard of what happened at Virginia Tech(if you haven't, you won't hear about it from me). Well, what a lot of people don't know is that it took place on the memorial day for the Holocaust. That wasn't just a curve ball, it was so far inside, and it nearly took me out.

Sometimes, you think that you can only confide in a few people, and that everyone else just wouldn't understand. Then one day, life just drops someone in front of you, and gives you something to talk about. Then you have no choice but to talk to them about it. Then you realize that all along you were wrong, and have confided in someone else. For me it was someone I hardly even knew. In the one place I least expected to find someone.

I can hardly wait until school is out, and summer starts. But of course I am going to go straight from school into band camp, from band camp to IST and from IST to band camp once again. Then just to escape from band camp, I am going to rush into the welcoming arms of school again. Oh, joy! I know that all of those things are going to be fun, and great experiences for me, but sometimes I just can't help but wish for them all to be cancelled, so that I can spend at least one minute on myself. But, oh well. I did choose for all this. (And I wouldn't give any of it up for the world!)

You know what I hate? Besides snow. No? Well, I hate being invested in a book so that I can't just put it down without being angry with myself, but am so bored with it that I can't force myself to read it for long moments in time. And even worse is, when I know that I have a much better book waiting for me, but can't start it without finishing the other one, for fear of never finishing the other one. Maybe that's just me. Or maybe I am the only one crazy enough to get myself mixed up in stupid positions like that. I don't know!

Apparently I have to go set the table now. My favorite pastime!!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Well, that was short

Hey guys! Guess what!
My internet is back on!! I think that it won't be so sketchy like it was before either! I am very excited! (If you couldn't already tell by my over use of the exclamation points!!) I want to thank Alyssa for being the only one who has commented and answered my "challenge" if you will, to write a poem or just tell me what you are waiting for. I guess that you guys aren't waiting for anything! That is too bad, but I guess it can't be helped.
I am feeling a bit goofy today, that might explain the crazy way that I am writing right now! I love being goofy!
I hope that all is well with other people as well! Have a wondermous rest of the week! (Yes, I did just say 'wondermous'!!)
P.S. I just got back from my concert band audition. The guy that does the auditions said that I did well after almost all of the pieces that I played, so that gives me hope! I really hope that I can make it into Symphonic band next year. But if I don't, I will still be happy welcoming in all the new freshmen to the big scary world of upper musicianship. Fun fun!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Having a few problems...

Hey all!
I have some sad news to tell you. Not tragic, thankfully, but sad just the same. We are having technical difficulty after technical difficulty with our internet. The only reason that I am able to be online at all is because I am not at my house, but rather at my dad's work where they are not haveing any trouble whatsoever. I hope that if you haven't already, you will still comment on my last post, even if I don't get to see it until days from now. I am not sure when all of the kinks will be worked out. I may be on tomarrow, I may not be on again (at home) for a few more weeks. I am just not sure.
I am sorry to say this, because I know that I only get to hear from some of you via blogger, so I will not know anything about your lives, and vice versa.
Hope that we get internet again soon! Until then, have a wonderful spring! Smell the flowers! Smile at everyone that you see! I send out my love!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sometimes you just need to love

In Creative writing, there has been yet another amazing prompt given to us. This one was entitled, "What are you waiting for?" It went like this:
Today, we'll use Ferlinghetti as our inspiration. He wrote a poem called "I am waiting". Respond to that same title with your own voice; tell me what you're waiting for...

"I am waiting for my case to come up
and I am waiting
for a rebirth of wonder
and I am waiting for someone
to really discover America
and wail
and I am waiting..."

My version is this:

I am waiting...

I am waiting for love.
The love you hear of in story books.
The love of your best friend.
The love of a puppy.
The love that each person,
at all times, everywhere,
should have for one another.
I am waiting,
for love...

Now instead of commenting on how wonderful (or terrible) mine is, I want to hear what you are waiting for. It doesn't need to be in poetry form, but if you are feeling daring, then I would love to hear it as a poem!!!!!! Hope that I hear from everyone that I know who is on blogger! Everyone is waiting for something, but not everyone is willing to share it with others. I hope you all are willing to share!
P.S. I am in the school library, and I am lolking out the windows, and it is snowing again!! I still hate snow!!!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ahhhh! It is snowing again! I hate snow! There are some people who think that I am crazy, but snow and I just don't get along. It is too cold, and when you go outside it just gets everywhere! Then you are freezing, gah! (Yes, gah!) Besides that, it means that Dante (my dog) won't get much exercise because he hates snow too! And when he comes inside, he'll track cold wet footprints all over. The ones that you can't see are the worst, 'cause you step in them and they are cold and you didn't expect them!
Besides my dislike of snow, today has started well. I just watched Legally Blonde (one) on TBS, I love that movie!!
Speaking of movies, my family and I just started NetFlix. We haven't gotten a movie yet, but that is to be expected. My mom tried to sign up for the Blockbuster verion of it, but when the guy at the store typed in her email adress, he did it wrong! it was terrible! So we had all this trouble trying to get started, but in the end we just gave up. It took quite a while to get mom to agree to try a online movie rental again, but I really think it will be worth it! Now that we got this one started, I even heard her say that she thinks we will never want to go to Blockbuster again! Good sign? I think so!
I have to start studying for the SAT now, :( too bad!
Have a great day (even though mine is snowy)!
P.S. Bonjour to Sixtine, if she is out there! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Long Time No Blog

~Hey to all my friends out there!
Long time no blog!! It has been soooooooo long since I last posted, and boy does it feel good!
So very much has been happening in my life that I have been just dying to get out there.
Where do I start? I guess I'll start with the fact that school is getting much harder! Not all of it, but physics and pre-calc and even history sometimes.
Another of the things that has been going onin my life, is that my dog is getting dramatically better. We still have to give him fluids and this disgusting white liquid medicine and two pills. But, he is perky, fun, and generally happy!
Finally, I just found out that the lyrical and technical pieces, that concert band kids have to play for auditions for next year, are not only somewhat easy, but also songs I have already played. Not only have I already played them, but when I did play them I was really really good at them!! I am so excited.
Other than that, all I have to say is, thanks to all the wonderful people who have left wonderful comments on my blog!! You are all fantastic!