Saturday, September 01, 2007

What a life this is turning out to be!

Hey all you out there!

I am back from a long break from blogging. I was initially planning on sharing more of my experiences from Israel, but right now I feel a little differently. I guess that I have just been having a weird time in my life, and I don't exactly know why. My family is getting ready for some remodling on my house, my grandmother just moved here from California, and other weird things. I have a set of really good friends and I feel like even though I am still really close to all of them, that they are falling a little away from each other. I also am worried that my boyfriend (who means SO much to me) may not be as into our relationship as he was in the beginning, and the person that I have always felt that I could talk to about things like that, well, I guess that I feel like I can't tell her that for no good reason. I don't know why I can't just tell her. Is it because I am insecure, or because I am embarrassed about my insecurities, or because I feel like she is going to tell me that I am just making it up and I am going to feel stupid, or maybe because I feel like if I say it out loud that it makes it true. I don't know!!

I really don't know what to do about anything that is going on in my life, it feels like I am losing all my control that I once had and that I no longer hold the horse's reins, and that the horse is holding mine. And not only is the horse holding my reins, but the horse is runnign with them. I am trying to hold on to everything, but it is just slipping past me and into oblivion. I just wish that I could push pause and keep things from happening so quickly, but I just can't.

While I sit here typing all this out, I feel so silly. I just don't know what else to do. Oh, I forgot! To top all these things off, my brother. He has been so all over the place lately. First he sets a fire and gets a court summons and has to do yard work for my parents, then he goes and gets a girlfriend, then he realizes that a girlfriend are going to want him to pay a lot of attention to her, and I don't know if he is ready for that. Then seeing him with his new girlfriend reminds me that I don't know where I stand with my boyfriend and it sort of hurts.

My mom has noticed that I have been a bit off all day today and has asked me what is wrong and I keep telling her that it is nothing. I just don't want her to think that there is anything wrong between Eddie and I and then have nothing wrong at all. I also don't know how comfortable I am with telling her all about my personal relationship and the life that I lead outside of the house.

Now that I have ranted till you couldn't stand my ranting anymore, I will leave you. Hope that none of you have half the problems that I have in my life, but rather have all the joy and much much more!



Alyssa said...

Hi Lizzie - There are a lot of changes going on in your life and I can understand how you would feel things are spinning out of control. Your "always the same, comfortable house" will be different; your gramma will be joining your family group, you maybe growing away from some of your friends and you are wondering about your boyfriend's commitment. And your brother is making you uncomfortable. Change is always hard.

I am reading a very good book called "The Five Things We Cannot Change . . and the Happiness We Find by Embracing Them". Whew! Long title, but quite eye-opening. The Five Things are:

1.Everything changes and ends.
2.Things do not always go according to plan.
3.Life is not always fair.
4.Pain is a part of life.
5.People are not loving and loyal all the time.

At first glance it would seem pretty depressing to accept these things. But, when you do, you feel relief and begin to plan how you will deal with these "givens" in life. I really recommend this book for anyone. The author is David Richo, incase you are interested.

I would suggest that you talk to your boyfriend. I know that's scary, but that is the only way you can ease your fears - or maybe face them. You won't know until you talk it over with him.

Rest assured, nothing you are feeling is weird - most everyone has felt what you are now. Unfortunately, there is no "pause" button for life - it's always on "forward"'

Have a good Labor Day Monday and a wonderful first day of school. (Wish I was anticipating my first day back to school - I just loved it!)


bimal said...

Hi Lizzie, I read your post... I think the same too at times... It happens... thats life... sometimes even I think i am wasting my time making wallpapers and animations, when all the other kids in my age are out doing lots of stuff.

You understood the philosophy of my wallpaper... lol... Rebirth... If only this "mad" world had a RESET/REBIRTH button, I would be the 1st one to press it...

Ashley M said...

Lizzie Lu!

I had no idea stuff like this was going on in your life! I miss you terribly...we don't get to spend nearly enough time together anymore. You know you can always talk to me, right? I hope I am not that friend you are referring to. Maybe we need soem Ashley-Lizzie down-time. Watch sappy/silly movies (The Wedding Singer, anyone?) and eat some marshmallow popcorn. Give me a call...I should be home pretty much all day cleaning my room and tackling homework, and I would love a break! Love ya!


bimal said...


hope you're better now... I made an awesome wallpaper, hope it helps you feel a bit better ;) check it out when you have time.


bimal said...

Hi Lizzie
No problem! :) I made 2 new versions of the same wallpaper, looks great check back in around 5 mins, the time needed to upload them :)
